1.     What is Report and Support? 
Report and Support is an online tool developed by Culture Shift where current and former staff, students, alumni and others can report issues relating to bullying and harassment anonymously or via an advisor to discuss. Report and Support also provides information about internal and external support, policies and procedures.

 2.     Who are the Report and Support administrators? 
EDI Officer -  Yahya Touray 
EDI Committee Chairperson - Dr. Abdul Karim Sesay
Designated HR Partner
3.     Who can make a report? 
Anyone can make a report via the Report and Support tool.

4.     I have experienced or witnessed bullying or harassment - who can I speak to? 
EDI Helpline:  +220 7460692 
7.     What is the difference between anonymous and advisor reports? 
MRCG at LSHTM will not know who has made an anonymous report, and therefore cannot reach out and provide direct support. If someone wants to receive support or consider informal or formal options to address a concern, they should make a named report and speak to an advisor.  

8.     What happens when someone wants to contact an advisor?
Report and Support Workflow - with Contact Details.png 47.02 KB

MRCG at LSHTM’s Report and Support administrators (see q.2) will receive notification of the submitted report. After completing a review to identify any risks that relate to safeguarding and duty of care (see Duty of care guidance), the administrator will assign the case to the requested advisor. Reportees have the option to select which type of advisor they would like to be contacted by. 

An ‘advisor’ includes a number of roles: 
-       Anti-Bullying and Harassment Advisor 
-       Mental Health / Wellbeing First Aider
-       HR Partner – responsible for locally employed MRCG at LSHTM staff
-       HR Manager – responsible for locally employed MRCG at LSHTM staff 

Advisors are provided with individual login details and can only access cases that are assigned to them. 
The advisor receives an email notification that a case has been assigned to them – no identifying information is provided within this email alert. 
The advisor logs into Report and Support to access the report and then makes contact with the reportee to arrange a meeting to discuss the report.

Please see our Report and Support Confidentiality Note (2. Named reporting (reporting with contact details)) for further information.

9.     How quickly can someone expect a response to an advisor report? 

 We aim for a response to be made within five working days. This is for an administrator to assign an advisor and the advisor to make contact.  

10.     What direct action can you take from anonymous reports? 

No direct action will be taken unless a safeguarding risk has been identified – see question 4 above. Information provided within anonymous reports will be used as statistical data to understand what is happening and to inform proactive prevention work. The EDI Team will work with areas identified to address any concerning trends.  

11.     How will MRCG at LSHTM manage malicious complaints? 

If a report is found to be malicious or vexatious, such reports will be addressed under HR procedures.  

12.     What do you do with the data gathered from anonymous reports? 

The EDI Team will complete termly and annual analysis of reports. These will be provided to the EDI Committee for decision-making in terms of, for example, environmental investigations.
Termly and annual analysis reports will also be made available on the Report and Support tool under Support / Policies and Guidance.

13.     What do you do with the data gathered from advisor reports? 

Personal data contained in an advisor report will be used for the purposes of providing advice and support, and taking any other appropriate steps, in relation to the incident or behaviour reported in an individual case.  
The individual-level data collected from Report and Support are aggregated and this aggregated data are used to produce anonymised termly and annual reports. These reports would include the number of cases, most reported types of harassment and location. 
Further detailed information on how MRCG at LSHTM processes personal data in the context of Report and Support is contained in the dedicated MRCG at LSHTM Report and Support Privacy Notice.

14.     How secure is the data and information sent through the system?
As required by the GDPR, MRCG at LSHTM and the developer of Report and Support, Culture Shift, have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.  
Report and Support has been security tested by Culture Shift and is periodically re-tested to maintain confidence in the application.  

15.     How long is data stored on the system? 

We will only retain personal data for as long as necessary.  All personal data will be kept according to the LSHTM Records Retention & Disposal Schedule

There are two ways you can tell us what happened